Bookshelf for Chromebook: Installing Bookshelf on Chromebook



Visit the Bookshelf Download Page in the Google Play Store

Download Bookshelf from Google Play

Tap the Download Bookshelf Button to go directly to the Bookshelf download page in the Google Play Store. Or on your Chromebook, open the Google Play Store, and search for "Bookshelf." 


Install Bookshelf

Tap the Install button and tap the Accept button.  You may be prompted to sign in to your Google Account. 

If you need assistance with your Google Account, please visit the Google Account Recovery Page.


Launch Bookshelf and Sign-In 

After installing Bookshelf on your Chromebook, double-click on the Bookshelf icon to launch Bookshelf.  Sign in with your Bookshelf ID and password.

If you cannot remember your password, reset it here.  If you do not remember what email address you used with VitalSource, contact support and they will help.
You can authorize up to two mobile devices, which means that you can read your content on two different phones and tablets. For help with managing your authorized mobile devices, visit our article on Managing Your Authorizations.

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