I am getting an error "invalid code" or "code already redeemed" when trying to redeem my redemption code.
If you receive this message or "code already redeemed" this could mean a number of things:
Online License Has Expired
If you are expecting to see it in your online Bookshelf view the code may have a license that has an expired online license and you will only be able to view the book from the Bookshelf application. Please download our Bookshelf application, log in and see if you can view your book from there.
Hard Copy Book Came with Redemption Code
If you purchased a hard copy version of the book and it came with a Bookshelf code unless that book was sealed and new, someone else has already redeemed that code and there is nothing we can do to assist.
Redemption Code is Associated with an Additional Code Linked to Courseware Access, Interactive Content, or Lab Access
If the Bookshelf redemption code you are trying to redeem is associated with a courseware access, interactive content, or lab access it is possible that there is an issue with that code that needs to be fixed by one of our partnering publishers. Please reach out to our Customer Support team so we can fix that issue.
You Have Multiple Bookshelf Accounts
If you have previously redeemed the code it is possible it was redeemed to an account with a different email address than the one you expected to see the book in. Please verify that you do not have more than one account. Please reach out to our Customer Support team if you would like us to verify for you.
Please note: Any code that is not associated with the Bookshelf application may need to be resolved by the owner of the site you are attempting to apply the code.
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