Sampling Activity Report

What is the Sampling Activity Report?

The purpose of this report is to provide publishers with information about how instructors are using their products via the VitalSource Sampling Portal. The data in this report represents recommendations sent, actively sampled content, and instructor activity once they’ve sampled your titles.

Who can access the Sampling Activity Report

Publishers and content owners.

How do I access the Sampling Activity Report?

Within VitalSource Apps

Publishers can access the Sampling Reports by clicking on the Report Center link in the Sampling Portal or from VitalSource’s Manage platform.


VitalSource Analytics 

Additionally, publishers can log in directly via using their Manage username and password.


Report Execution

Once the report is selected, the publisher has the option to choose a date range, as well as the parent company or individual child company. Once executed, the report allows for additional sorting on region and institutions. The report includes a download option.

Executed Report Columns:

  • Campaign Code
  • Region
  • Title
  • Author
  • e-ISBN
  • Instructor CRM ID
  • Instructor Name
  • Instructor Email Instructor
  • Country
  • Institution
  • Source
  • Sales Rep Email
  • Sample Status
  • Last Sampling Activity
  • Creation Date
  • Course Name
  • Course Enrollment
  • Course Start Date
  • Total Sessions
  • Total Session Length
  • Page Views
  • Pages Printed
  • Annotations Last
  • Engagement Date

Sampling Activity Report – Column Definitions

Campaign Code

The campaign code is a publisher-created campaign code used to track recommendation campaigns.


We base the region on the instructor’s country, which will reflect either US/Canada, the United Kingdom, or Australia.


The title is the actual title that was sampled by the instructor.


The author of the title sampled by the instructor.


The e-ISBN of the title sampled by the instructor.

Instructor CRM ID

The instructor’s client relationship management tool identification (CRM ID). Note: We populate this data only for publishers with CRM integrations.

Instructor Name

Name of the instructor who was sent a recommendation and/or sampled the title.

Instructor Email

The email of the instructor who was sent a recommendation and/or sampled the title.

Instructor Country

Country of the instructor who was sent a recommendation and/or sampled the title.


The institution of the instructor who was sent a recommendation and/or sampled the title.


This is the source of the sample request, which includes the following options: recommendation, unverified instructor request, or self-sampling.

Sales Rep Email

The Email of publisher sales representative, which is supplied by the publisher as part of the recommendation process.

Sample Status

The status is based on the sample request and will reflect one of the following statuses, depending on where it originated:

  • Instructor request received: approved or denied
  • Publisher recommended sent: pending, accepted, or declined.

Last Sampling Activity

Associated to the sampling record, this metric is updated as the sampled title goes through the various statuses (such as “Recommended” to “Accepted”).

Creation Date 

The Date the publisher recommendation was created for the instructor.

Course Name

The name the instructor entered when the instructor requested a sample or self-sampled.

Course Enrollment

The Anticipated number of students enrolled in the requesting instructor’s course.

Course Start Date

The start date for the instructor’s course.

What’s New

Sampling Engagement Data

We added the ability to see engagement data as part of Sampling reporting to the Report Center. When running the “Sampling Activity” report, an array of engagement metrics can now be viewed to give a better idea of how instructors are using the Sampling Portal. Please note that for engagement data to show, the instructor must have “sampled” the title—meaning they have activated a sample code, not just requested a code or had a recommendation sent to them.

Added engagement metrics

Total Sessions

The total number of study sessions for a given instructor and book. We define a study session as a period in which the user interacts with the content. The session begins when the user opens a book and ends when the user stops interacting with the content for 30 minutes.

Total Session Length

The total amount of time in seconds that the user has engaged with the content. We derive engagement duration by calculating the time difference between engagement events in a given study session.

Page Views

The total number of pages viewed. Each time a user views a page, we count a page view—even if the user has previously viewed a particular page.

Pages Printed

The total number of pages that printed. Each time a user prints a page, we count a page print—even if the user has previously printed a particular page.


The total number of annotations that the user has created within the content. Annotations include highlights, notes, and bookmarks.

Last Engagement Date

The date the instructor last interacted with the content (sample).

Published Date:

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