Sign Up for the Faculty Sampling Portal

Sign Up for the Faculty Sampling Portal

Learn how to sign up and begin the verification process for the VitalSource Faculty Sampling Portal.

Before you begin

To sign up for the Faculty Sampling Portal, you must be an instructor or faculty member currently teaching at a school or institution.  

You must signup in the correct Faculty Sampling Portal.  

Please keep in mind VitalSource powers the Faculty Sample Portal, but does not perform the user validation.  Our Publisher Partners will verify your account.  Verification can take up to 5-7 business days, depending on the time of the year.  

If you already have a VitalSource account, you don't need to create a new account to begin the signup process.  


1 Visit and choose the Sample Portal closest to your region. 

Once you visit the Sampling Portal, click the flag in the upper right-hand side of the screen to bring up the Select Country screen.  Choose the Sampling Portal that best fits your region. 



2 Sign in to the Sampling Portal

Click the Sign In button on the right-hand side of the screen.  If you already have a VitalSource account, sign in with your existing credentials.  If you are new to VitalSource, click the, Create an account link at the bottom of the sign-in window to create a new Instructor Account.  

Store Sign In.png


Request a Title

Locate a title you wish to sample.  Click the Request Sample button, enter the name and course name you teach, the approximate number of students in the class, class start date, and click on the Complete your Request button. 

Your Sampling Authorization is now awaiting confirmation from the publisher representative.



4 Get Verified by Publisher

Once a publisher verifies you, you can sample the title. You will no longer need to be verified again to sample other titles.



5 Activate Sampled Content

Once verified, for each title you sample, you will receive an email that has a link to click on that will add the title to your Bookshelf account.  



6 Read your sampled title

After clicking on the link to add the book to your account, you will be able to read your eTextbook in Bookshelf Online. 


Get help

To learn what to do next, find your issue below. If you still need help, contact VitalSource Support.

How long does it take to get verified by a Publisher?

It can take up to 5-7 business days to get approved by a Publisher.  While VitalSource Support cannot expedite approval requests, if you have a pending verification request that is more than 10 business days old, please contact VitalSource Support for assistance. 

If a Publisher denies you

If a Publisher denies you access to the Sampling Portal, you will want to reach out to your Publisher Representative for assistance.  If you cannot find your Publisher Representative or do not have one, please contact VitalSource Support.

I do not see the Faculty Sampling link when visiting

The availability of the Faculty Sampling Portal might vary by country or region. Learn what's available in your country or region. 

If you are not receiving emails from VitalSource

Frequently asked questions regarding Sampling from VitalSource

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