Bookshelf CoachMe Progress

Bookshelf CoachMe Progress

Bookshelf CoachMe just made it easier to prepare and practice so that you show up to class confident and ready to learn. With the introduction of CoachMe progress, you will have insight into all CoachMe questions available in your eTextbook, visibility into question completeness, and a quick and easy way to navigate questions for additional practice.


Measure Your Progress

Once you have launched a CoachMe-enabled book in Bookshelf Online via your browser, click the More Options menu or 3-dot icon along the top navigation bar and then CoachMe.




A progress overview panel will open, displaying a chapter or section overview for CoachMe questions and their completion status. Click a chapter or section to open a detailed view of the question's progress.




On the progress detail panel, you will see all available CoachMe questions in the chapter, completion status, and correctness. Questions will be identified by a question icon and organized by the group. To navigate to a particular question, click on the question icon. You can also click on a group to navigate to the first question in the group.




Once you click the question or question group, the question panel will open. You can answer questions and navigate through the questions by clicking the question number or using the navigation arrow in the panel. From the question panel, you can easily toggle between your questions and the progress detail panel by clicking Question Progress.




Note: CoachMe is currently primarily an online feature. It is also available in some of our Bookshelf applications.

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