VitalSource LTI Tool & Cookie Issues

VitalSource LTI Tool & Cookie Issues

If you received a message that your launch was unsuccessful, it may be because your browser is blocking VitalSource cookies. Cookies are required to sign in to VitalSource seamlessly from your school’s Learning Management System, like Canvas, Blackboard, Brightspace (D2L), Moodle.

You’ll need to update your browser settings to allow VitalSource to set cookies. You can either allow all third party cookies or cross-site tracking, or add VitalSource as a website that you allow to set cookies. You can find instructions for updating your browser settings below:


To learn more about VitalSource’s cookie policy, click here.

Note:  Effective Jan 2024 Google has updated 1% of all their users to limiting third-party cookies whether the user set it that way or not. Even if a user has changed this before, please check your settings as Google may have updated them.

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