How to set up an institutional LTI integration

How to set up an institutional LTI integration

To begin the setup process, click the Integrations button at the top of the Institution details screen.
If you do not have any integrations set up yet, click the Set Up Integration button in the center of the screen. If there is already an integration set up, the button will be at the top of the screen.


LTI Integration

  1. Select LTI Integration as the Integration Type
  2. Select the LMS you are using. If you don’t see your LMS listed, select Other and enter
    the name.
  3. Enter an optional note for your integration.
  4. Click the Complete button when finished.
  5. After the screen completes loading, click the LTI Integration card.
  6. You will see the LTI Launch URL. You will also see your LMS integration information
    and the Key and Secret.
  7. For help setting up the integration with your LMS, click ​here ​for instructions. (Link goes to LMS help page)

After the initial setup, LTI Integrations can be managed by clicking into the LTI Integration card on the Integrations screen.

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