How a to Use a Bulk Redemption Code

Redeeming a VitalSource Redemption Code

You will have been provided with a 12 or 20-character registration code. 

If you have a VitalSource Bookshelf account, you can redeem your VitalSource Redemption Code from your Bookshelf account. If you do not have an account, you can create a Bookshelf account by selecting the following link.

*** Please keep in mind that VitalSource codes are one-time-use and not transferrable or shareable. If you have purchased or been issued multiple codes you will need to distribute these to the individuals who need access, and each individual will need to redeem one code to their own VitalSource account. ***


From Online Bookshelf:

From HOME: you will see the option under "Enhance your Experience":  REDEEM CODE

  • Click on the box
  • A pop up will appear for you to enter in the code (and additional codes) 
  • If you have multiple codes, click "add another" link and the option will appear to add a second redemption code. You can continue to click "add another" to create another box for your next code. 


Additional Online option: 

From MY LIBRARY: You also have a REDEEM CODE(s) option located under MY LIBRARY (under MY SHELVES):  

  • Once in MY LIBRARY, go to the top right of the screen, next to your Store link will be REDEEM CODE
  • This option will also allow for multiple redemptions by clicking "add another" for additional redemption codes.


From a Mac:

The redeem option is on the top right of the screen while in MY LIBRARY. Click on the link, a new pop up box appears where you can again enter you code and / or click link to "Add Multiple Codes"



From Windows:

The redeem option is located on the top right of the screen in MY LIBRARY. Click on the redeem link. A new pop up will appear to allow you to enter in your redemption code and / or click the link to add "More Codes". 





From an Android Device:

On the menu option you will see the Redeem Codes link second from the top. Click on it, a new window appears to redeem your code (enter it there). Click "add more codes" if you have additional redemption codes to redeem to your account. 



From an iOS Device:

At this time, we do not have a way to redeem a code on an iOS device; you will need to redeem the code through Bookshelf Online before accessing it in the app.


To download one of the Bookshelf applications mentioned above, go to Bookshelf Download Options.

Further information can be found here regarding:

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