How do I redeem my Publisher Access Code?

How do I redeem my Publisher Access Code?

About Resources

A resource is an additional resource that accompanies an eTextbook, such as Ancillaries and Access Codes; these resources are created and maintained by the publisher.

  • If you purchase a book with an accompanying Resource, follow the steps outlined below to access the Resource.
  • If you are attending an institution that provides your eTextbooks, please contact your institution's support to find out if a Resource is available for your book.
  • If your book does not include a Resource, please communicate with the publisher for more information on purchasing a Resource. 


Note: Not all eTextbooks have accompanying Resources.


How do I redeem my Publisher Access Code?

Each Publisher has its unique way of displaying the publisher access code - below are several of the most popular methods:

How do you know if your material has a Publisher Access code and better yet, how do you locate the code? With the Bookshelf Platform you can actually check several ways, below are the steps when clicking on "My Library" 

  1. Log into Bookshelf Online.
  2. Go to the left side and click "My Library"
  3. Locate book  - there you will see underneath the cover ebook / access code and or both. 
  4. To access your Publisher access code check for the correct material and across from the Access Code bubble are 3 dots
  5. Click on the 3 dots for more options
  6. A drop down box will appear with "Access Code instructions", click on this option
  7. A new larger box will appear in the middle of your library with 3 steps
    • confirming you have the correct material
    • how to reveal your access code 
      • if this section (upon first reveal) shows: "already revealed" then you should look for a link in your LMS as it should be code-less delivery. 
    • what website the code should be redeemed on
      • Please note - you can do all the above steps if you see your book under HOME> Recent Activity when you log on to bookshelf online.


  • If your needed material does not show the "access code" bubble under the book cover in "My Library", please confirm you have purchased the correct material.
  • Please read / review the Return Policy for the item as some items can not be returned once the Publisher Access code is revealed.
  • If you are having an issue with redeeming the Publisher Access code on the specific website noted in step #3, we encourage you to reach out to that publishers support as we are unable to assist with third party sites. 
  • Sometimes a Course Key may also be required as noted under Step #3 in the screenshot above. This can only come from either your receipt or obtained from an instructor. 
  • Publishers may have different instructions for their products. You can only redeem the Publisher Access Code at the Publisher's website.


You can also access your Publisher Access Code from your VitalSource Account Center

  • To get to your account center - click on "My Account"
  • A pop up box will show in the middle of the screen with your account info (Name / Email) 
  • At the bottom of the box will be a resource link
  • Click on Resources Link
  • This will take you to your account center where you will click on the top "Access Codes"
  • Scroll to the needed one and copy the needed code, but be sure to still follow the correct redemption website to redeem it on. Many will have an additional link that states "Launch Site" (this will be the Publisher's designated redemption site (Not to be confused with the redemption option on your VitalSource Bookshelf Account. 
    • note: if code says "already revealed" in resources then you should look for a link in your LMS as it should be code-less delivery


Additional Publisher Access Articles:


If you have problems redeeming your Publisher Access Code, please contact the publisher:

VitalSource only provides access to the Publisher Access Code. We can’t troubleshoot access to the publisher’s platform.

If you run into issues or have any questions about the process, contact VitalSource Support, and we will be happy to help!


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