Use Favorites to organize books in your library and to keep frequently visited books front and center, ensuring they are readily available whenever you need them. Whether you are a student, a faculty member, or a professional using reference materials, Favorites can save you time and help you efficiently access content faster.
Adding an eBook to Favorites:
On My Library, click the 3–dot ‘more options’ icon associated with the book you wish to favorite.
Select Add to Favorites from the drop-down menu.
Once you have selected Add to Favorites, you will receive a confirmation and the book will be added to your Favorites shelf.
Note: Favorite books will also continue to be displayed in My Library.
Removing an eBook from Favorites:
If your preferences change or you no longer need quick access to a particular eBook, you can easily remove it from your Favorites.
To remove a book from Favorites, navigate to the Favorites shelf and click the 3–dot ‘more options’ icon associated with the book you wish to remove from Favorites.
Select Remove from Favorites on the drop-down menu.
The title will be removed from the Favorites shelf.
Note: Removing a book from Favorites does not delete it from your library; it simply removes it from the curated collection in your Favorites folder. You will still be able to find the book in the My Library page.
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