How to Access eResource/Courseware

How to Access eResources/Courseware

What is an eResource/Courseware?

An eResource is an additional resource that accompanies an e-textbook such as a website (i.e., Cengage MindTap, Pearson MyLabs, etc.)

How do you access an eResource?

When a book has an accompanying eResource, you will access this through the online VitalSource Bookshelf® e-textbook platform following the steps below:

  1. Log into Bookshelf Online.
  2. Click MY ACCOUNT on the main navigation panel.
  3. When one or more of your e-textbooks have an accompanying eResource, the Resources menu will appear. Use your mouse to select the link.

Note:  If you don’t see the Resources menu, and you think you should, then try selecting Tools > Update Library

  1. The Resources page will list any e-textbooks that have accompanying materials. To reveal the access code, click the Reveal Code.”    
  2. Select Click here for instructions on using your eResource code.

Note:  Once you reveal a code, the e-textbook is no longer returnable.


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