Supplemental or Auxiliary Materials

Supplemental or Auxiliary Materials

You may see information about supplemental or auxiliary materials for your eTextbook, particularly on the cover. There is almost always a Courseware banner which appears across the cover to indicate it comes with an access code for supplemental access. These materials for your book may be quizzes, videos, or companion websites. Depending on how you obtain your VitalSource eTextbook, you may use different methods to get access to these materials.

VitalSource Store Purchases

If you buy an eTextbook from the VitalSource Store (, you may not receive supplemental (auxiliary) codes/materials from VitalSource unless otherwise specified in the book description. However, you may be able to obtain these supplemental materials from the publisher. You can try to:

Search the eTextbook front matter

For information related to your book, start by checking the front matter of your eTextbook. Publishers may include a link to an external website for interactive materials, such as quizzes.

Search the publisher’s website

You can also search on the publisher’s website for your book. There may be a link on the actual book page (any format – print, electronic) that will take you to a supplemental materials page.

Contact the publisher directly

Contact the publisher for any supplemental materials that may get referenced in your book.

PLEASE NOTE: You may not always receive supplemental materials for an eTextbook purchase, or you may need to pay extra to obtain materials. The publisher can provide more details.

Purchase extra codes<></>

Publishers may set up a separate website that can allow you to buy codes to receive supplemental materials. Contact the publisher of the book directly for information related to auxiliary materials.


Books obtained through school/LMS

If you have received books from your school or through an online classroom, please contact your school/institution’s help desk. They may be able to assist you with supplemental/auxiliary materials.


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